I was all caught up a few days ago. However, that same day Google froze my account and deleted my blog. They said I had broken the Terms and Conditions. Which I had not. This led to quite a few emails being fired back and forth between us. Eventually, they saw my side of things and gave me my account and blog back. Today I play catch up once again.
Do you tan easily or do you burn instead?
I only burn. ONLY. I have scars on my legs from a sunburn. While I was living in NC we went to the ocean. That was the worst burn I ever got. I had sun something the next day. I passed out and bounced of the hallway walls before I fell to the floor. My dear friends picked me up, put me on the couch, and covered me with a WOOL Army blanket. This burn eventually turned my legs purple and orange. Once it blistered the skin came off in sheets. If I had been living at home instead of in a state not friendly to Yankees ( I had an experience or 2 to that effect) I would have gone to the doctor. That was a scary burn. I am very cautious now. Always wear a hat, and always wear sun screen.
When did your family get their first color television set?
Do you remember the first show that you watched on it?
It was December 1974. I remember because I gave it to my mom for Christmas. I had my first job and splurged on everyone for Christmas that year.
I know it was a Thursday evening, that I remember. I gave it to my mom as an early gift. I am pretty sure we watched "The Waltons" in color that night.
Was your hometown a “backwards” place or do you feel that it
was progressive?
I think that in any town there are backwards people and progressive people. My mom was progressive. She was a social worker for the county welfare department. She had to be progressive. She taught me in those ways. My best friend of the time had parents who were backwards. Especially her father. Oh my, that man scared me! I remember neighbors who were scandalized with the behavior of my brother and me. The school where I attended high school? I don't know I think there again it was a bit of both. It came down to individual teachers. I had some of both in classes.
Oh my, what an awful sounding sunburn! I'm so sorry that it left scars behind.
ReplyDeleteThat was a sweet thing for you to do for your family. Those first jobs, first paychecks really make us feel great, don't they? :)
What did you and your brother do that folks thought was scandalous? I'm sorry that your best friend's daddy was scary. My best friend in high school, who just recently lost her mama, has a sweetheart of a daddy. And, speaking of Yankees, they were from New York. And I didn't melt or grow warts or anything because I was friends with her. :)
Thanks for playing along. Have a blessed weekend.
My mom worked so hard. I wanted to give her something special. The TV was it. I think me just being alive was scandal enough for the neighbors. My brother was naughty.
DeleteMy experience in NC as a Yankee was not pleasant. I was told by a shop owner that he didn't serve, "damn Yankees", and the man I worked for fired me because of it and wasn't going to pay me. I sicked the USMC on him!
PS What did Google think you did that was so egregious?
ReplyDeleteI think the big and mighty Google just messed up. LOL