And, as the year moves forward it is time for a Valentine's Hodgepodge
1. When's the last time you had a heart to heart talk with someone? A change of heart? Experienced figurative 'heart failure?'
Hmmm. I try to avoid heart to heart talks. What I should say is I don't instigate them. Some people try to have them with me, but I don't know they somehow make me uncomfortable. All that raw emotion I guess. A change of heart to me is also the softening of my heart. I felt the Lord rapping on my head not too long ago, and am trying to listen and follow his words.
Ezekiel 36:26, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." (NIV)
Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (NIV)
Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (NIV)
I thought I had forgiven certain hurts. After much prayer, God revealed the truth to me. Now I have a new path .
And now heart failure! Oh my word! I am a transplanted city girl. However, over the last 20 some years I've forgotten how to drive there. Those people are nuts! They either drive 45 or 90. No regard for a speed limit, either 45 or 90. A brown light (red light + green light) means GO NOW! Last time I went to the city I was smoking 2 cigarettes at a time in hopes to stay calm. Finally, I pulled to the shoulder and called my BF. "Come get me", I said, "I can not drive another mile." The she laughed at me!! ME! Her BF of 45 years, she laughed at! As I sat crying, on the shoulder of a heavily congested freeway. Well, she talked me off the shoulder, talked to me in soothing tones all the way to her house (just 5 more miles), and had a strong cup of tea waiting for me. But, really those people drive like they are crazy.
2. Champagne, chocolates, flowers...what's your Valentine pleasure? Any special plans for the day?
I do love champagne, and chocolates, and flowers, but around here we don't do Valentines Day. Shortly after we were married we had a huge V-Day misunderstanding. HUGE. He was sleeping on the couch, I didn't turn any lights before leaving for work, and missed all of his V-Day preparations. I was disappointed, but not angry. Just a bit sad he wasn't more romantic. I had scheduled a hair appointment for right after work (probably in hopes of dinner out afterwards), as we finished with my hair she asked if I would like to go out for a drink. With no plans in place that I knew of I agreed. After the 3rd drink I decided I better call home. Oh dear. Talk about ice filled reception . When I did get home I saw the missed things and understood the ice. Nothing was ever said, but the next V-day the card I received only said one thing all over it in bright bold letters, "I HATE VALENTINES DAY!" End of story.
3. Are you a hopeless romantic or do you fall more in the category of practical and pragmatic? What's a gesture you find romantic?
3. Are you a hopeless romantic or do you fall more in the category of practical and pragmatic? What's a gesture you find romantic?
In a book or movie I know how it absolutely MUST end. If doesn't end that way I feel really cheated. In real life I am not sure (see above answer) . A private joke that brings a smile to each of your faces is romantic. We used to have a look we shared (we'd squint our eyes at each other and blink) to say, "I love you". That's romantic. Today, I think romance for me is tenderness, patience, a kind word.
4. Do you ask a lot of questions in life or are you pretty content with what you already know?
I had a writing teacher who drummed into his students to never, ever stop, asking questions. I never have.
5. Your favorite power ballad?
4. Do you ask a lot of questions in life or are you pretty content with what you already know?
I had a writing teacher who drummed into his students to never, ever stop, asking questions. I never have.
5. Your favorite power ballad?
There are a few. Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers, Color My World by Chicago, I Wanna Know What Love Is by Foreigner, I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston but my all time favorite it is this one... Chris DeBurgh Lady in Red.
6. Insert your own random thought here..
6. Insert your own random thought here..
Four hours later I am finally on this question. Do you ever go somewhere online and fall into a rabbit trail? I do. I did. Today. While looking for a You Tube link for Lady in Red. I followed all of the music from that song on toward no end. Music does that does to me. I have it in my heart . In my soul. Alas, I have no talent. I do know though that any effort I make is a "joyful noise", and it I sing for the joy of it, and God in His house is at peace.
Have you been looking for an update to my de-cluttering and cleaning? The day after I posted this I went down for the count. Sick? Oh yeah. I hacked up a lung. And the colors? WOW! Who knew those colors could live in my lungs and sinuses. TMI? Sorry. Needless to say I have not started on my new journey. It takes me 2 hours to fill the dishwasher! And that is without doing any real cooking.
I am better now, but still a long way from good. Baby steps every time I get sick. it is a long uphill climb, but so far I always make my way back. I am certain that this time I will also. Then when I do I will clean, clean , clean.
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