1. 'Hurry less, worry less'...what's your strategy for making that happen this holiday season? How's it going so far?
I don't hurry, and I don't worry. Anymore. What gets done gets done and the rest can just wait. I learned a long time ago it just isn't worth it. To avoid those pitfalls I start my shopping in the spring. I listen all year to hints that people might drop and not even know they are doing it. By September I am finished with the larger gifts and can then concentrate on smaller fun things. I also start making Christmas lists in September. I do this so I can make plans, and budget out over the paydays, and not have everything trying to come out all at once. I rarely try a new recipe for Christmas Day, but will for Christmas Eve. Right now all I have left to do is wrap gifts, and grocery shop. No hurry, no worry.
2. Do you have a list of to-dos that need accomplishing in order to prepare your home and/or property for the winter season? What are some of the jobs on your list? Are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire someone to accomplish these tasks?
We do have things to to prepare for winter. We have to cover the a/c. I put up reflector sticks so when the snow gets deep we know where NOT to drive. There is a ditch on either side of the driveway entrance. Snow can and will cover the edges of the driveway so these are invaluable. It also helps the guy who does our winter plowing. Before I started doing this he drove off the edge. He had to call a tow truck to pull him out. In the fall we make sure the heat tape is still working. I tidy and organize under the kitchen sink. Weird right as a prep for winter? However, if the pipes are going freeze that is where they will. Cleaning beforehand makes it easier for me to deal with it when it happens. Oh! I also put dryer sheets all over the inside of my car and places in the engine. It keeps the mice from moving in. The mice can do hundreds of dollars worth of damage.
3. According to dietitians surveyed, the most popular health foods for 2018 will be -turmeric, sprouted foods (bean sprouts, breads with sprouted grains, etc), veggies in place of grains, dairy free milk, and pulses (lentils, chickpeas, etc). What's the first thought that ran through your head when you read this list? Of the foods listed which one might you add to your regular diet? Also, can milk really be dairy free? Is it still milk?
My first thought.... How do they know? We already eat bean sprouts with some regularity. We have used sprouted bread for years. Ezekial bread. We eat lentils. Maybe we eat healthier than I thought. LOL. How can milk be dairy free, and still be called milk. I get the whole soy, almond thing, but maybe milk isn't what it should be called.
4. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2018 is Ultra Violet. According to the Pantone site 'Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking pointing us to the future.' What say you? Do you like the color purple? Did you see the movie or read the book-ha!? Is purple a color you wear often? Describe for us one purple item in your home without using the word purple. If you were in charge of such things what color would you select for 2018?
I do like purple. It's not my favorite color, but I do wear it occasionally. I have never read the book OR seen the movie. What's wrong with me?
I collect old/antique Amethist Glass. The older glass was made with some gold put into the process to achieve the deep color. I have several pitchers, some glasses, a couple of ashtrays, and bottles. For some reason the bottles have ended up as decoration in the bathroom. The only thing in the bathroom of that color, but it works.
If I were in charge of such things the color would be YELLOW . The color of the sun. Without the sun nothing can live. We need the sun. We need Yellow.
5. Favorite book read this year?
Oh my! I read at least 2 books a week. Mostly fiction. Mostly mysteries. Mostly, but not all. This year I made an effort to branch out into other genres. I don't like his politics, but Bill O'Rielly's series "The killing of..." Is very good. But, still not my favorite book. I have read Churchill's books leading up to and into WWII. But, again not my favorite. My favorite would be last year's Jan Karon Father Tim book "Come Rain or Come Shine" I have the newest one on the shelf, but not on the Kindle. If you have never read a Father Tim book, all I can say is where have you been? The series is truly a masterpiece. I love the characters, and feel like I actually know them.
6. Insert your own random thought here, but.
A few weeks ago I mentioned that my kitty Boo had crossed over the bridge. And while my heart still aches for her we have a new member of our family. My other cat Ozzy who is 17 missed Boo so much I was afraid she was actually going to die from a broken heart. She went through the house crying for Boo. Looking for her. I went to the local shelter and brought home what I thought would be a good match for OZ. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Oz doesn't really care for the new kitty. I am trying to be patient. I am still hoping they will become friends. Photos of the new girl to follow. He name is LuLu. She was born in August, and is just a little bit of a thing. It is hard to get clear non blurry photos of her. She is always on the move.
2. Do you have a list of to-dos that need accomplishing in order to prepare your home and/or property for the winter season? What are some of the jobs on your list? Are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire someone to accomplish these tasks?
We do have things to to prepare for winter. We have to cover the a/c. I put up reflector sticks so when the snow gets deep we know where NOT to drive. There is a ditch on either side of the driveway entrance. Snow can and will cover the edges of the driveway so these are invaluable. It also helps the guy who does our winter plowing. Before I started doing this he drove off the edge. He had to call a tow truck to pull him out. In the fall we make sure the heat tape is still working. I tidy and organize under the kitchen sink. Weird right as a prep for winter? However, if the pipes are going freeze that is where they will. Cleaning beforehand makes it easier for me to deal with it when it happens. Oh! I also put dryer sheets all over the inside of my car and places in the engine. It keeps the mice from moving in. The mice can do hundreds of dollars worth of damage.
3. According to dietitians surveyed, the most popular health foods for 2018 will be -turmeric, sprouted foods (bean sprouts, breads with sprouted grains, etc), veggies in place of grains, dairy free milk, and pulses (lentils, chickpeas, etc). What's the first thought that ran through your head when you read this list? Of the foods listed which one might you add to your regular diet? Also, can milk really be dairy free? Is it still milk?
My first thought.... How do they know? We already eat bean sprouts with some regularity. We have used sprouted bread for years. Ezekial bread. We eat lentils. Maybe we eat healthier than I thought. LOL. How can milk be dairy free, and still be called milk. I get the whole soy, almond thing, but maybe milk isn't what it should be called.
4. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2018 is Ultra Violet. According to the Pantone site 'Ultra Violet communicates originality, ingenuity, and visionary thinking pointing us to the future.' What say you? Do you like the color purple? Did you see the movie or read the book-ha!? Is purple a color you wear often? Describe for us one purple item in your home without using the word purple. If you were in charge of such things what color would you select for 2018?
I do like purple. It's not my favorite color, but I do wear it occasionally. I have never read the book OR seen the movie. What's wrong with me?
I collect old/antique Amethist Glass. The older glass was made with some gold put into the process to achieve the deep color. I have several pitchers, some glasses, a couple of ashtrays, and bottles. For some reason the bottles have ended up as decoration in the bathroom. The only thing in the bathroom of that color, but it works.
If I were in charge of such things the color would be YELLOW . The color of the sun. Without the sun nothing can live. We need the sun. We need Yellow.
5. Favorite book read this year?
Oh my! I read at least 2 books a week. Mostly fiction. Mostly mysteries. Mostly, but not all. This year I made an effort to branch out into other genres. I don't like his politics, but Bill O'Rielly's series "The killing of..." Is very good. But, still not my favorite book. I have read Churchill's books leading up to and into WWII. But, again not my favorite. My favorite would be last year's Jan Karon Father Tim book "Come Rain or Come Shine" I have the newest one on the shelf, but not on the Kindle. If you have never read a Father Tim book, all I can say is where have you been? The series is truly a masterpiece. I love the characters, and feel like I actually know them.
6. Insert your own random thought here, but.
A few weeks ago I mentioned that my kitty Boo had crossed over the bridge. And while my heart still aches for her we have a new member of our family. My other cat Ozzy who is 17 missed Boo so much I was afraid she was actually going to die from a broken heart. She went through the house crying for Boo. Looking for her. I went to the local shelter and brought home what I thought would be a good match for OZ. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Oz doesn't really care for the new kitty. I am trying to be patient. I am still hoping they will become friends. Photos of the new girl to follow. He name is LuLu. She was born in August, and is just a little bit of a thing. It is hard to get clear non blurry photos of her. She is always on the move.
It sucks when one of your pets misses the other. That's harder than my own sorrow!
ReplyDeleteIt sure is harder. Ozzy seems to be wasting away. I may have to hand feed her.
DeleteI shop throughout the year, my mother and brother both collect Christmas stuff, so I usually pick up stuff for them at after-Christmas sales.
ReplyDeleteI have already finished wrapping, all I need to do is put them under the tree and fill up stockings.
I did most of the wrapping yesterday. Still have some to do, but those gifts won't be opened until the 30th so I have time.