Sunday, September 17, 2017

Was your hometown an economically advantaged or disadvantaged area?

By the time I was growing up my hometown was advantaged. I am pretty sure everyone who wanted to or could did work.

Before I was born the town was probably a bit of both. It was still pretty much country then. Meaning the farms might not have been right in town, but I think it was a farming town. I remember hearing stories of some of the hardships families went through.

Before me my mom worked as the secretary for the president a manufacturing company. When he transferred to the Illinois office my mom went with. She came home and then worked as a secretary for a wig at the Pillsbury company. After my brother came along she stayed home until he started school then she went to work for the county. She stayed there until she retired. 

My town wasn't affluent by any means. We were right down the middle.


  1. I think that it would be very bad for me to work for Pillsbury. Definitely bad for my waistline. :)

    Did your mama enjoy her job there?

    Have a blessed night.

    1. My mom wasn't near the test kitchens. She was in the corporate office area. Which I am sure helped her. Yes, she did like it there. She enjoyed all the aspects of being a secretary.
