1. Where do you go when you need some inspiration?
I start by reading a daily devotional, and then the Bible. I take the words with me in my heart, and look to nature.
2. What's under your bed?
I start by reading a daily devotional, and then the Bible. I take the words with me in my heart, and look to nature.
2. What's under your bed?
Lots of card stock. Notebooks. Stickers. I make journals. I decorate them with what is traditionally thought of as scrap booking supplies. Plus, I believe there are about 100 kitty toys. LuLu has them stashed all over the house.
But, how can I care when she gives me looks like this one?3. Thursday, February 22nd is National Chili Day, National Margarita Day, and National Cook a Sweet Potato Day. Of the three which would you most like to celebrate? Is that likely?
I have chili on the menu for the week. Thursday seems as good as day as any to make it. I might even have a margarita to go with the chili.
4. What are you 'snowed under' with right now?
4. What are you 'snowed under' with right now?
You mean other than the new 4 inches of snow, right? It would be clutter. I have been pitching and sorting for a year now. I started last Lent with the 40 bags in 40 days. I did 62 bags. I have taken more bags out of this house than I have counted. However, it doesn't look like it. I have practically emptied my closet, but still have too many clothes. Got rid of shoes and purses. Donated 47 cookbooks, 78 DVDs, 208 books, tons of yarn and pattern books. I finally parted with unused kitchen gadgets, plus parts of my mom's collections. When will my house start to show the efforts of pitching and sorting? Maybe I should just bring in a bulldozer, doze everything under, and start all over with total emptiness.
5. Tell us three to five things that make you feel balanced?
5. Tell us three to five things that make you feel balanced?
My family would tell you nothing, because I am unbalanced. It's true. I am. But, in a good way. To be balanced I make a good meal for us. One I have taken extra effort with. It is pleasing to provide that. Another way I feel balance is to edit photos I have taken. For me the editing is just as important as the taking for them. I get a thrill when I see what the final photo looks like. And, what's even better is when a photo shows up that doesn't need any editing.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
More children have lost their lives, and now we have finger pointers. Personally, I don't care where or when or by whom the mistakes were made the outcome is the same. Why can't the people who made some of the decisions that led up to this take responsibility for the stupidity that was displayed? When will elected people learn the lesson that We the People do not need to form a militia, that that is what the organized military is for. When will people figure out that the NRA is not the organization they think it is? When will We the People stop electing men and women who take money from lobbyists that only care about their own special interests. When will it become illegal for members of the government to be bought off from groups like the NRA? Because, that is what it is. People are being bought off with hundreds of thousands and in some cases millions of dollar to turn a blind eye to the ramifications of their inaction and their greed? None of these things will change until We the People stop electing those legislators. It won't change until We the People start to demand changes. And, nothing will happen until We the People realize that some of the guilt of these tragedies belong with us, because of our complacency.
I will end this with a shot of God's love for us.