How is it possible that it is Wednesday already? I know for sure it is, because it is time for the Hodgepodge.

1. We've reached edition number 315 here in the Wednesday Hodgepodge. So tell us, what were you doing at 3:15 yesterday? Is that typical? On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being low and 10 being high) what's your energy level usually like at 3:15 PM?
Hmmm 3:15 yesterday. I went down for the mail. The mailbox is 1/4 mile away. Very long story behind it's placement. No mail yet. She is always late on Mondays. Back home I put the finishing touches on dinner. That is pretty normal. I try to have dinner early, because (and this answers the next part of the question) if I don't start it early I don't make dinner. I am wiped out by 2 PM. By 3:15 I am ready for bed. I rate my energy level at 1.
2. A frisbee, a tantrum, a towel, a party, a punch, or a curveball...which have you most recently thrown or had thrown at/for you? Elaborate.
2. A frisbee, a tantrum, a towel, a party, a punch, or a curveball...which have you most recently thrown or had thrown at/for you? Elaborate.
There is at least one tantrum around here each day. It can't be avoided. Enough on that. Maybe a curve ball. But, I am not sure why other than to say... I haven't thrown or caught a Frisbee or towel lately....I haven't been partying, or punched or been punched.
3. What are three things that would help you right now. Tell us how or why.
3. What are three things that would help you right now. Tell us how or why.
1. A vacation alone would help me, because there is always someone around me. I can not remember the last time I was alone. Grocery shopping doesn't count. I need time alone.
2. If I were given that time I would get on an Amtrak and have it take me somewhere. Anywhere. Then I would turn around and come home. I just want the experience of a train trip as an adult. Or even a vacation in a hotel where I can hole up in my room. I could choose to leave it or not, to talk to people or not. It sounds divine.So the second thing would be the dollars for a train ticket or hotel room. Neither are in my budget just now.
3. A good surprise. I love good surprises. The surprise brings joy. Usually a good laugh and smiles. I like to laugh and smile a lot. Good surprises bring excitement.But, only if the surprise is a happy good one.
4. Do you think you're strong? Why or why not? What makes you strong?
Physically strong? No, I am not. I think I can maybe lift 25 pounds. The kitty litter bag is 35#, and I really struggle with it.
Emotionally strong? Right now, in this season of my life I have to be. I have learned to lean only on myself and God. No one can do this for me.
I have to be strong. I don't have a choice. God has put me here in this situation for a reason. Someday I might know why, or maybe never know, but it is where He wants me. Just knowing that gives me strength from day to day.
5. Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? What's your favorite book set sometime in the past?
5. Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? What's your favorite book set sometime in the past?
I kind of sort of like historical fiction. However, I don't like a lot of descriptive narration in a book. I find that this type of fiction has way to much for my taste. Such as: I would prefer a woman's dress to be described as blue with ruffles and a touch of lace at the wrist . Instead what I often find is a 2 page description of the dress. I page ahead when I come across that.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Two weeks ago I had the two cats into the vet for a check-up. Neither one seemed quite right. Ozzy turned 17 in June, and Boo will be 9 in October.
Ozzy is tiny, weighing in at 4 pounds. Normal for her. She is experiencing signs that are normal for an aged kitty. Snotty eyes, and nose, and UTIs. Easy fixes, but they are coming more often. All she does is sleep now. I even have to wake her to eat.
Boo on the other hand is sick. She has diabetes! From last fall until 2 weeks ago she had lost 5 pounds. That is 1/3 of her total body weight. Today she and I go back to the vet so I can learn how to give her insulin injections. I am more than a bit nervous. We return to the vet each week for 4 weeks so he can test her glucose and make any necessary adjustments in the insulin dose. It's not like with humans where we can test each morning.
Ozzy Girl. Tiny little thing that she is.
Boo Baby. Can you tell she hate to have her picture taken?
Our son's mailbox is one mile from his front door. Hope you get some good alone time soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ellen. A mile is a long way to go for mail.
DeleteI know what you mean about having your mailbox far, far away. Fortunately, after a car took our family mailboxes out (all 3 of them), and several months of fighting with the post office, we got ours moved closer!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to take a train ride, too. Not to get away, but just for the experience.
I'm sorry your kitties are having health issues.
Kathy (Reflections)
I have been told by our PO that it isn't up to them if I move the mail box. That I would have to petition Washington DC'
Poor kitties! (and poor you!) They are such a gift in our lives and yet such a worry at times. Your train ride sounds wonderful, and it sounds like you need that break. Knowing that God is in control is what gets us through the tough times. And I laughed at your comments on fiction. I'm like that too. Just GET TO THE POINT. LOL I like there to be a plot and for it to move along! :-))
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words. If I didn't know God was in charge I could not do what I do.
DeleteI'm right there with you on the vacation alone. Someone is always around me, too. But my oldest daughter who has been back in the nest for 3 years is moving back out into the world on Friday! I love my daughters but having one right here under foot as an adult has been...interesting. Ha! :) So happy she's ready to get back out there, though. Unfortunately, most of my strength could be better categorized as stubborn. I tend to skim over pages with too many details when it seems the author is trying to hard and it didn't work out well. Awww, kitties. I'm sorry about the diabetes but glad you have what you need to take card of her. 17??? My goodness what a long and happy life. I hope all goes well for her. Thank you for your take on the daycare situation. I wish everyone had such a positive outcome as you and your son did. :)
ReplyDeleteYea for you getting your house back!. Once my son moved out he never looked back. He comes for a day every month, and as much as I miss him I am glad he has his own life.
DeleteI think the thing about day care is you have to stay on top of it. Surprise visits at different times. I did that until I knew they were good people.
Sounds like you are, indeed, in a tough season of life. The Lord will get you through, as you have indicated. Like you, I need alone time, and also like you, grocery shopping doesn't count, although at times even that is a relief. Bless you!
ReplyDeleteJust getting out of the house for a couple of hours helps a bit. I am looking into other activities that will give me a couple of hours of fun each week. That will help too.