1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you've given or received.
When I was young (too many years ago to count) I didn't like getting a compliment. I'm not sure why, because I have always had confidence in myself. As I became older aged I have gotten better at it and now enjoy it. If it is a sincere compliment.
With Christmas barely over I have to say the compliment that comes to mind is about this:
And, even though my family has questioned my sanity they loved the tree. And me in my flamingo dress, socks, shoes, and glasses.
And now I feel terrible. I can not remember the last time I gave someone a compliment. That's just awful. It must mean I don't do it often. I will remedy that this weekend.
2. Ten little things you are loving right now.
And now I feel terrible. I can not remember the last time I gave someone a compliment. That's just awful. It must mean I don't do it often. I will remedy that this weekend.
2. Ten little things you are loving right now.
1) The end of our sub-zero temps
2.) Packing for a weekend trip to the city
3.) Making plans for a trip to Arizona
4.) The book I am reading. America's First Daughter by Stephanie Dray is very good. I am not sure how much is fact or fiction, but I am thoroughly enjoying.
5.) The new kitten. LuLu. She makes me laugh with her kitten antics. Her favorite thing to do is to run through the house. Through the porch, living room, kitchen, and down the hall. The she comes racing back. She skids through the kitchen on the tile; sometimes skidding into an appliance. Her new thing is to wrap her arms around my ankle and hanging on while I walk.
7.) The progress I am making on the blanket I am making. It will be just like this one, but different colors.
8.) Going to the city this weekend. I know, I know I have already listed it, but that was packing. This is going.
9.) Making a shopping list for while I am in city. Can you tell I LOVE going to the city?
10.) The Puff Cheetoes I am eating.
3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way? I read here a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-
3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way? I read here a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-
I have been accused of being a Pollyanna. Sometimes of wearing rose colored glasses, and of having my head in the sand. I can find something positive out of any situation.
Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons
Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook? If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?
Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons
Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook? If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?
I look forward to the start of my day. A new day is filled with so many possibilities. I am excited to see what the day may bring. I also stay busy. Even if I'm only watching TV. I am crocheting, or coloring or editing photos. Anything to stay busy. I CAN NOT sit and just do nothing.
What's not on the list and should be is pray. I pray all day everyday. Maybe it is more like having conversations with the Lord. I am sure that it is part of being positive.
4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?
4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?
If I could have my mom's chicken soup I have that. She made the best ever! I would need a peanut butter sandwich to go with it.
However, since her soup is an impossibility I'll have chili with cornbread. I make a great chili. Of course it is my mom's recipe.
5. The best part of my day is....
My bedroom faces east. I love waking up, looking out the window, and seeing the beautiful sunrise. Yes, I get up that early. As I said in question 3 I look forward to the start of my day. And, what better way than seeing some of God's creation first thing.
5. The best part of my day is....
My bedroom faces east. I love waking up, looking out the window, and seeing the beautiful sunrise. Yes, I get up that early. As I said in question 3 I look forward to the start of my day. And, what better way than seeing some of God's creation first thing.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I am inserting an opinion here so please don't take offense if your opinion is different than mine. No opinion is wrong, because it is just an opinion and we are each entitled to one.
Those overpaid children in Washington DC make me crazy. Instead of getting down to the business they are being paid to do they resort to name calling and he said/she said games. Then promises are made that probably will never be fulfilled. Right now I am taking about both sides. I'll save my real opinions about the person ( I can not call him a man, because man does not act the way he does) in the White House for another day. And, what he intends to do to those children, now adults from other countries.
I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge, Trudy, and can tell with every answer that you are a positive person and, as you said, a morning person. I wonder if morning people tend to be more positive. I too love looking out at God's creation early in the morning. So much to praise him for. And I promise that I will give your tea advice a try. :-) I hope you're having a good evening.