1. "Summer is like childhood. It's full of warm memories and gone too soon."~Kellie Elmore Agree or disagree? Share something you loved about the summers of your childhood.
I loved summer as a kid. Not just because I was free from school, but because of all the freedom I had. I am remembering grade school summers specifically as being the absolute best. We would take old blankets and pin the to the clothes line, and put a couple on the ground. We had a tent! Many a night was spent outside. My block had lots of kids. So we would get together and put on parades for all of the block to see. Floats, and clowns, and make believe bands. Oh My! My yard was very big. We would play kick ball everyday. The area never needed mowing because we kept it tromped down. You could see the base line in the turf. Such fun was summer as a child.
When we left the city to live in the woods it was just my son and I during the week. My husband continued to work in the city. My son and I had grand adventures each summer. I looked forward to having him home ans was sort of sad when he had to return to school.
2. Are you a fan of auto racing-NASCAR, Indy, Stock, Grand Prix, etc? Ever been to a race in person? Any desire to do this? Do you know a lot about cars? Do you notice particular makes and models when you're out and about?
When we left the city to live in the woods it was just my son and I during the week. My husband continued to work in the city. My son and I had grand adventures each summer. I looked forward to having him home ans was sort of sad when he had to return to school.
2. Are you a fan of auto racing-NASCAR, Indy, Stock, Grand Prix, etc? Ever been to a race in person? Any desire to do this? Do you know a lot about cars? Do you notice particular makes and models when you're out and about?
I have never been to a major race, but I have been to a few at county fairs. I had a friend whose uncle raced. They were always working on the car. I got to hand them the needed tools. Oh joy! (sarcasm added) Back then I wanted to be under the car with them. I loved the demolition derby.
I sometimes notice cars. Mostly just my model. I have a PT Cruiser, and it does stand out from all the others. I am going to be needing a different car soon, and I am sad that this car is no longer made.
Common decency demands that we never joke about 9/11. Or other horrific tragedy's. I don't think the misfortune of someone whomever they are should be joked about. I don't like to hear jokes that make fun of people real or imagined.
4. July 29th is National Lasagna Day. Are you a fan? Do you have a great recipe, and if so where did it come from? If given a choice would you choose a plate of lasagna or a plate of spaghetti?
5. What's a simple pleasure you'd miss if it were not a regular part of your life?
I would miss walking out my front door, and taking a walk in the woods. God planted me here, and the woods always welcomes me to enjoy. Everyday it looks and feels different. I have been here 20 years, and I do miss living in the city, but I would miss my woods more if I had to leave.
6. If you could be the CEO of any company, which would you choose?
6. If you could be the CEO of any company, which would you choose?
Hobby Lobby. I would change the health insurance mandate. It is between a woman and her doctor what is happening to her body. They company she works for has no business making medical decisions for her.
7. August is just around the bend...bid farewell to July in exactly seven words.
Good-bye heat. I won't miss you.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Just a couple of pictures. And if you don't mind a prayer request. My aunt is 91, and is failing quickly. In her words she is, "wearing out." I know God is preparing to take her home, but the prayer I am asking for is for my cousin. He has been her caretaker for quite a while. He is very very close to his mom. I am worried how this loss will affect him. He lives a few hours from me, and I will help all I can, but I would appreciate your prayers for him